Usein Suomeen tulleilla ulkomaalaisilla työntekijöillä on tavoite saada suomen kansalaisuus. Jotta kansalaisuutta voi hakea, on ensin suoriuduttava Yleisen kielitutkinnon kokeesta eli Yki-kokeesta keskitasosta (arvosana 3). Tarjoan erilaisia Yki-kursseja yrityksille, jotka räätälöin aina yrityksen tarpeisiin sopivaksi. Alla esimerkkejä:
Practice for Yki-intermediate
In this course, we will practice all sections of the YKI test: speaking, writing, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. You will become familiar with the overall structure of the YKI test and the various types of tasks it includes. The instruction will be in group format, with a maximum of six participants per group.
In this course, we will practice towards Yki test but the focus will be on speaking section. Often, the speaking section is the most challenging part of the YKI test, and it may be that employees have already completed the other sections. This course helps you practice the task types in the YKI test's speaking section and boosts your confidence in communicating in Finnish in general. The topics will cover everyday, practical communication situations. Prior to each session, all participants will receive online exercises to help them prepare for the upcoming meeting.
This course will focus on the writing section of the YKI test. We will explore both informal and formal writing, as well as how to compose different types of messages. Each participant will receive personalized feedback on their writing.
The recommended duration of my courses is typically around 4-6 months. However, if a company requires intensive courses, I also offer 2-week YKI intensive courses, where I tailor different sections of the YKI test based on specific needs. The most popular intensive course is the YKI Speaking and Writing Intensive.