Tarjoan yrityksille räätälöityjä kursseja suomen kielen alkeiden opiskeluun. Alla näet esimerkkejä suomen kielen alkeiskursseista.

Basic Finnish-starting from level zero:

Basic Finnish- A1 and forward:

This course is designed for individuals who do not know Finnish at all yet. In the course, we will cover the basics of the Finnish language and build a strong foundation for learning Finnish. We will go through the unique features of the Finnish language, such as vowel harmony, double consonants, and long vowels. In addition, we will practice basic vocabulary, such as greetings, numbers, colors, and simple sentences. The course is interactive and engaging for students, learning takes place in small groups, and there is a lot of speaking during the lessons. Students will also receive practice materials to help them prepare for each session.
This course is aimed at those who already know a little Finnish. In the course, we will focus on verb types and practice speaking short, everyday conversations, utilizing the grammar we have learned, such as verb types and the inflection of nouns in the present tense. We will also practice other everyday vocabulary, such as talking about the weather, telling the time, discussing schedules, and asking questions.