Intermediate Yki test speaking section
Are you planning to take the YKI test but feeling nervous about the speaking section? In this article, I will describe the Yki test speaking section of the intermediate-level in more detail. I will clarify the nature of the different parts of the speaking section and illustrate them with small example tasks:
What is the Yki test speaking section like?
The speaking section of the YKI test is conducted in a language lab. There are also other test-takers in the language lab at the same time as you. You will have your own seat and headphones through which you will hear the speech from the tape and record your own speech. You will have a task sheet that shows the progress of the sub-test and provides task instructions. You are allowed to make your own notes on paper during the test.
The test includes various speaking tasks: narration, dialogue, response, and opinion. Next, I will introduce the different types of tasks in more detail:
Intermediate YKI Test - Speaking Task Types
Task Type 1: Narration
In this Yki test speaking section task type you are given a topic to speak about. The answer sheet will indicate how long you should speak on the topic (approximately 1 ½ minutes). Initially, you will have 1 minute to plan what you intend to say. You can make notes for yourself on paper. After this, you will hear a signal on the recording, “Aloita puhuminen nyt”. After hearing this signal, you can start speaking.
An example topic could be:
Minun koti
-Millainen koti sinulla on?
-Missä se sijaitsee?
-Kuinka kauan olet asunut siitä?
-Ketä kodissa asuu sinun lisäksi?
-Millaisia huonekaluja kodissasi on?
-Mitä teet yleensä kotona?
-Millaisia naapureita sinulla on?
- You don’t have to answer all the sub-questions.
- Try to speak for the entire allotted time.
- Try to speak clearly and calmly.
- You will receive points for providing answers that match the questions. Additionally, your answers must be understandable.
- If you don’t understand something, make an educated guess. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, as you won’t lose points for them.
- The test measures your language proficiency, not your errors. A mistake is only a problem if it hinders the understanding of your answer.
- The most important thing in Yki test speaking section is your ability to communicate, not grammar. However, use everything you have learned, including grammar, to your advantage.
Task Type 2: Conversation, Dialogue
Yki test speaking section task type 2 is about having a conversation. The task sheet describes a conversation scenario. In the conversation, you will hear what your dialogue partner says to you on the recording. On the task sheet, your partner’s speech is marked with asterisks. Instructions in parentheses tell you how to react or what to say during your turn. The task sheet also specifies the duration (in seconds) for each of your responses. Try to respond as naturally as possible. An example dialogue on the task sheet might look like this(note that in the real test you don`t see your dialogue partners turn, but you will hear it):
Aihe: Olet varaamassa pöytää ravintolaan. Soitat ravintolaan ja teet varauksen. Käy luonteva keskustelu ohjeiden mukaan ravintolan asiakaspalvelijan kanssa.
Nainen: *****
SINÄ: [Esittele itsesi ja kerro asiasi.] (20 sek)
Nainen: *****
SINÄ: [Kerro mille päivälle, mihin kellonaikaan ja monelle henkilölle haluat varata pöydän.] (20 sek)
Nainen: *****
SINÄ: [Vastaa.] (10 sek)
Nainen: *****
SINÄ: [Kysy jotain tarkemmin ruokalistasta.] (20 sek)
Nainen: *****
SINÄ: [Vastaa.] (15 sek)
Nainen: *****
SINÄ: [Lopeta puhelu.] (10 sek)
Mies: *****
Note! In the Yki test speaking section task type 2:
- Try to respond naturally. Aim to speak for the given amount of time.
- Try to speak clearly.
- You will receive points for providing answers that match what your dialogue partner asks or what the instructions in parentheses indicate. Additionally, your answers must be understandable.
- If you don’t understand something, make an educated guess. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, as you won’t lose points for them.
- The test measures your language proficiency, not your errors. A mistake is only a problem if it hinders the understanding of your answer.
- The most important thing is your ability to communicate, not grammar. However, use everything you have learned, including grammar, to your advantage.
Task Type 3: Situation, Response
In this Yki test speaking section task type 3, you need to respond to a given situation. The situations are described on the task sheet. You will hear instructions on the recording about which situation you need to address, for example: “Tutustu tilanteeseen 1”. After this, you can familiarize yourself with the situation (approximately 20 seconds). When the preparation time is over, you will hear from the recording “Puhu nyt”. Try to speak and react appropriately to the given situation. The task sheet usually specifies the time duration for speaking (approximately 30 seconds).
An example of this task type on the task sheet might look like this:
Tilanne 1: Olet menossa aamulla töihin, mutta bussi ajaa ohitsesi pysähtymättä ja sinun pitää odottaa seuraavaa bussia. Soita sinun pomollesi ja jätä hänen vastaajaansa viesti. Kerro miksi olet myöhässä ja mihin aikaan pääset tulemaan töihin. (20 sekuntia.)
- Try to react to the situation naturally. Aim to speak for the given amount of time.
- Speak clearly.
- You will receive points for your response/reaction fitting the situation described in the task. Additionally, your response must be understandable.
- If you don’t understand, make an educated guess. Don’t worry about mistakes, as you won’t lose points for them.
- The most important thing is the ability to communicate, not grammar. However, still use everything you have learned to your advantage, including grammar.
Task Type 4: Opinion
Yki test speking section task type 4 is about expressing an opinion. On the task sheet, you will be given various options from which you can choose and express your opinion. You will have preparation time during which you can select a topic and plan what you intend to say. You can use pen and paper to make notes. You will hear a signal on the recording indicating when you should start. The task sheet specifies how long you need to speak (approximately 2 minutes).
An example of Task Type 4 might look like this:
Alla on kaksi aihetta. Valitse yksi aihe (A tai B) ja kerro siitä mielipiteesi. Lue aiheen kysymykset. Sinulla on 2 minuuttia aikaa puhua. Puhu koko ajan! Perustele mielipiteesi hyvin.
- Asuminen kerrostalossa vai omakotitalossa
-Asuisitko mieluummin kerrostalossa vai omakotitalossa?
-Miksi asuminen kerrostalossa/omakotitalossa on parempi vaihtoehto?
-Kenelle kerrostalossa/omakotitalossa asuminen sopii?
-Minkälaiset kustannukset kerrostalossa/omakotitalossa asumisessa on?
-Onko hyvä vai huono, että oman kodin lähellä asuu muita ihmisiä/naapureita, miksi?
- Lasten älypuhelimien käyttö
-Käyttävätkö nuoret liikaa älypuhelimia?
-Onko älypuhelimista haittaa vai hyötyä nuorten elämässä? Vai molempia?
-Minkäikäisten lasten pitäisi saada käyttää älypuhelimia?
-Pitäisikö sinun mielestäsi koulussa olla puhelimien käyttökielto?
Note! In the Yki test speaking section task type 4:
- Remember that this is an opinion, so use opinion phrases (Minun mielestäni…/ Olen sitä mieltä, että../Toisaalta…/Esimerkiksi…/SIlti…/Koska…/Kuitenkin…/Myös…/Mutta…/Kuten…). Avoid speaking too complexly. Express yourself in short and clear sentences. Remember, your opinion is not being evaluated, but rather your language skills, so express an opinion on the topic that you can articulate in Finnish.
- You don’t have to answer all the supporting questions.
- Try to speak for the entire allotted time.
- Speak clearly and calmly.
- You will receive points for providing answers that match the topic and express opinion. Additionally, your answers must be understandable.
- The test measures your language proficiency, not your errors. A mistake is only a problem if it hinders understanding of your message.
- The most important thing is your ability to communicate, not grammar. However, still use everything you have learned to your advantage, including grammar.
Author`s note
My descriptions of the task types are indicative, and there may be variations in the exact format of the tasks. I have utilized current official sources for this information. For official further information on the YKI test, you can refer to the website: or
If you want to practice for the speaking section of the YKI test with me, you can sign up for my Yki Puhutaan suomea (A2) courses . If you prefer personalized attention, you can inquire about private lessons to practise for YKi
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